Community Service
Community Service for Grades 5-8
District 67 is committed to supporting and growing our students in many different ways and providing a comprehensive picture of achievement and engagement. Part of student success can be closely tied to a student's involvement in extracurricular activities and community service.
Students can record their volunteer service hours using the form at the bottom of this page. Service hours may also be applied toward the Presidential Service Award if they qualify (please read the criteria below). To apply hours toward this award, be sure to check the President's Service Award box on the form. Only students who have recorded their volunteer hours using the online Community Service form AND whose service hours meet the criteria will be eligible to receive the Presidential Service Award.
ALL community service hours, including Presidential service hours, should be entered between May 3, 2024, and May 2, 2025, by midnight to count for the 2024-2025 school year.
Upcoming Community Service Opportunities
President's Volunteer Service Award (Grades 5-8)
President’s Volunteer Service Award
The President's Volunteer Service Award is one of the awards presented during the annual year-end recognition assemblies at Deer Path Middle School. This nationally recognized service award, led by the AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, allows Certifying Organizations to recognize their most exceptional volunteers.
This award is based solely on the number of service hours (50 or more) completed by a student within a 12-month period.
Students must report their hours using the form below (be sure to check the President's Service Award box on the form).
Only students who have recorded their volunteer hours using the online Community Service form AND whose service hours meet the criteria will be eligible to receive one of these awards.
How Do I Know If My Service Hours Qualify?
To help you and your students determine whether volunteer hours meet the criteria for the President's Volunteer Service Award, please read the document, What is Volunteer Service?, or contact your school office. Additional information regarding the award can be found by visiting the President’s Volunteer Service Award website.
8th Grade Community Service
Deer Path Middle School 8th grade students perform community service as part of their graduation activities. Students volunteer with the goal of collectively contributing hours/acts of service to our community before graduation, providing the opportunity for students to gain an appreciation for civic engagement, their community, and develop a love of volunteering. We are asking all 8th-grade students to complete six hours or six acts of service this year.
Students must report their hours/acts of service using the form below (be sure to check the 8th Grade Community Service box on the form).
Service hours may also be applied toward the President's Service Award if they qualify. (Please read the information above regarding criteria and reporting period.) To apply hours toward this award, be sure to check the President's Service Award box on the form.