Deer Path Library Media Center
Please click HERE to visit the Cube Virtual Library!
5th & 6th Summer Reading Expectations
Click on the link to learn about the summer reading expectations for your grade level!
We believe a school library is a dynamic extension of the classroom that provides students and staff with resources -- expertise, print and electronic materials, technology, and space -- to collaborate, explore, and create. Staffed by certified teachers and support personnel, the K-8 library program realizes this mission through:
A collection of diverse materials and resources that meets the needs and interests of our students
Student-directed learning based on passions and interests
Growth through inquiry based instruction and innovative thinking
Inspiring a love of reading for enjoyment and personal growth
Collaboration as instructional partners in the development and implementation of lessons that build upon and enhance the curriculum
Instruction of students and staff in the independent and responsible use of information in both print and digital formats
The creation of a space for staff and students that is dynamic, flexible, and not limited by schedules
Nikki Konicek
DPMW Haskins
Benjamin Beard
Library Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:05AM - 3:35PM
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